Monday, September 11, 2017

Catastrophe of bank interest rates – 21

Continues from the previous post -
Everyone, as a member of society, has the right to social security and is entitled to realization, through national effort and international co-operation and in accordance with the organization and resources of each State, of the economic, social and cultural rights indispensable for his dignity and the free development of his personality.
In simple terms, the signatories agree that society in which a person lives should help him to develop and to make the most of all the advantages (culture, work, social welfare) which are offered to him in the country.
Social security may also refer to the action programs of government intended to promote the welfare of the population through assistance measures guaranteeing access to sufficient resources for food and shelter and to promote health and well-being for the population at large and potentially vulnerable segments such as children, the elderly, the sick and the unemployed. Services providing social security are often called social services. Unfortunately, we do not have such a well-balanced arrangement we have opted for reservation and subsidies based on caste. This wrong arrangement costs government many expenses. We should change over to this more appropriate arrangement of social security in place of reservations and subsidies. However, we do not see any desire on the part of our government to do that. At present, we notice that this wrong arrangement BJP government uses to develop vote bank amongst the beneficiaries by favoring some castes with additional subsidies and reservations. This has already spoilt the moral of our society and people have become more irresponsible since they get something for which they have no responsibility.
India is not a signatory to this charter so; we do not have any social security protection. Where such protection is available they may afford lower interest rates on bank deposits but where that is not available lower bank interests on bank deposits is not justified, since it is very difficult to manage with.
Continues in the next post –
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