Monday, November 20, 2017

Vote bank Strategy – 3

Continues from previous post –
As we have seen, most political parties depend heavily on financial support from big businesses. This total dependence of political parties on these business houses makes them slaves of these businesses. At times, these money lords expect such evasive demands that political parties become secondary to them. In some cases, these businesses virtually buy these parties. This disturbs the ego of political high commands. We notice an extensive structure of cronies who in the process make money while working as pimps between party high commands and these financiers. The economics involved is very complex and to control it is not easy for any political party however powerful it is.

We also know that most persons who join a political party for their self-aggrandizement. That is about making some easy money. They prefer to work as pimps in the process of collecting funds for the party. At the order, many development plans are changed to suit these financiers. These financiers stay away from day to day functioning of that party nevertheless; they have their cronies sitting in the party office constantly keeping watch on what the party high commands are planning. If they find that, the plans are not suitable they inform the financier, his agents object to that plan, and finally those plans are removed, as those development plans are less important to the party as against the future of the political party.

We also notice that a business house provides money to more than one political party. At times, they prefer to finance two political parties who are seemingly having opposite views about national developments. These business houses have no concern about what development plans these parties have in their agenda. Their concern is only about protecting their business in the environment of license system. They also want to use their hold on these parties to defeat their rival businesses. We know how Reliance chief used his hold on Congress party to destroy their rivals in polystyrene fiber business. Import licenses were not issued to them as against Reliance. Many small importers were out of business only because central government refused to renew their old import license. This and many other types of demands of these businesses often annoy the high commands of political parties. Pramod Mahajan invented the new idea that a political party will use the funds provided for development of poor citizens. When they are in power, only they can do it. Now that BJP is in total power the way, they wanted for all these 70 years. After using these government funds are utilized to appease these voters party openly claims the credit for having done that. In return, the party expects them to vote for them in the next election. Some experts say this claim is not correct because any government decisions about such matters are taken after consensus of all parties in the House. That means one can object to such claims. However, we see that even though the matter is obvious no other political party objects to it. This is because as some believe, this strategy is double edged. If this continues, incase other party comes in power they can also use it for their benefit. Some other experts opined that this strategy could be challenged by Election commission. However so far that has not happened.

Continues in next post –

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