Friday, December 22, 2017

Vote bank Strategy – 5

Continues from previous post –

We shall see now, how this power, these businesses use to control political parties.
Pramod Mahajan invented the new idea that a political party will use the funds provided for development of poor citizens. When they are in power, only they can do it. Now that BJP is in total power the way, they wanted for all these 70 years. After these government funds, which is actually taxpayer's money, are utilized to appease these voters party openly claims the credit for having done that. Today we see that this taxpayer's money is used to gift many things such as free houses to poor people, giving free money in their bank accounts, building free toilets, and may be more items added as time goes.
In return, the party expects them to vote for them in the next election. Some experts say this claim is not correct because any government decisions about such matters are taken after consensus of all parties in the House. That means, one can object to such claims. However, we see that even though the matter is obvious no other political party objects to it. That party also expects to use the same gimmick to win over votes when they are in power any time in future. This is because as some believe, this strategy is double edged. If this continues, in case other party comes in power they can also use it for their benefit. Some other experts opined that this strategy could be challenged by Election commission. However so far that has not happened.

Today we see that Election commission is controlled by BJP person and so whatever they do is not objected to by the authority of Election commission.

Over the period we see that these big businesses begin to control on various appointments of office bearers in these political parties to whom the finance. This became a regular hindrance to many political party high commands particularly those who want to be sole controllers of party decisions. This new arrangement of using taxpayer's money from government exchequer gave freedom from these overbearing businesses. This system is base on one presumption that those poor people who got all those gifts, will remain loyal to that party. However, we have found that this is not the situation always. This so happens because those poor people do not understand the link of those gifts and the party expectation. This happens because those gifts come from government schemes and so the link is not appreciated. In early times gifts were given on the eve of election time and by the party workers and so the link was well established but as these come by a government scheme and come to them by government people the link is not felt. Those poor voters think that it is a government gift and seems to be from all parties concerned. In recent election, this is proved by voting patterns in Gujarat.

Continues in the next post –
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