Monday, January 1, 2018

Vote Bank strategy- 6

Continues from the previous post –

In this post we see how gradually BJP government wants to throttle voter's purse by manipulating money managements.

As we have been seeing in this recent pass BJP is having a deep plan to reduce money power of ordinary people and make government over powering every activity of individuals by introducing rules and compulsions with them so that our democracy can be paralyzed. First, they introduced demonetization. This made money in your hand worthless. People were made to run from bank to bank to get their rightful money changed to new currency. When I asked experts on this subject they told me the way this government did it was illegal because before you do it you have to give prior notice to public of some period before actually implementing. Nobody objected to it as we really do not have truly mature public that this government can feel afraid. Most public is illiterate and not aware of their rights. Largely poor and without much resources, mostly guided by bad element is the society as religious leaders and such. In that attempt, BJP government was almost successful and demonetization was accomplished without much hustles. When that passed well BJP developed extra confidence and began to talk of cashless. BJP government suggested that people should not keep cash in hand; but must use debit of credit cards. They also put big banners to tell people that their money in banks is safer than in home! They used all advertising media to forcibly making people go for credit cards and debit cards. However, that trick did not go well. Neither people nor market was responsive to this because Indians are more confident when their money is in their hands. Hardly any people accepted that and this attempt to make people cashless did not work well. Large number of members and sympathizers of BJP also being of typical Indian mindset refused to practice cashless in everyday life. This attempt failed considerably. Then came third trick, BJP revolutionized our tax system. This idea was not new to our administration. Erstwhile congress government did have the idea however; they considered that we are yet not economically ready to accept that change. When majority government came up with GST reform, other parties accepted it in principle. That was by most political parties with their suggestion, about details of implementation. BJP passed GST but at the time of implementation, they introduced very different tax system and very high rates so that it became not acceptable to most opposition parties. They began to oppose it. This matter has been a thing of much headache for most businesses. The confusion about what should be the tax and who can collect it and other serious matters such as MRP. GST must be included in MRP but many businesses collect additional money by way of GST and this is going to be a real nuisance to all concerned. MRP means, maximum retail price, if GST added then the very term MRP losses its meaning. Many say tax on service has made our tax system a system of looting people rather than collecting simple revenue.

Other hindrance in simple tax system is Aadhar number. The matter with this additional number is yet pending at out HS. Initial opinion of HS goes against this additional number but final decision is yet not taken and so, until that come, this BJP government continues to pester people by this unwanted number. A citizen not having this number will not be able to live in this country. Aadhar number is a real nuisance but we have to put up with it until HS gives its decision. Our courts have no time sense or rather they do not bother to; this makes things difficult for ordinary people. Finally, BJP came with its last stroke to destabilize our economy by trying to introduce an illegal law called FRDI Bill. We shall discuss it in next post.

Continues in next post –

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